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SHCC 4 - Strain-hardening cement-based composites, Dresden, Germany

SHCC4 Conference is the follow-up of three previous successful international events in Stellenbosch (South Africa, 2005), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil, 2011) and Dordrecht (The Netherlands, 2014), all of them focusing on strain-hardening cement-based composites and other types of advanced fibre-reinforced concrete materials such as textile reinforced concrete (TRC) and high-performance fibre-reinforced cement-based composites (HPFRCC). All these new materials exhibit pseudo-ductile behavior resulting from the formation of multiple, fine cracks when subject to tensile loading. The use of such
types of fibre-reinforced concrete could revolutionise the planning, development, dimensioning, structural and architectural design, construction of new and strengthening and repair of existing buildings and structures in many areas of application.

Contributions to the conference are expected to cover the latest findings and research works related on SHCC, TRC and HPFRCC. They may be within – but are not limited to – the following topics:
- Material design and manufacturing;
- Mechanical properties and test methods;
- Structural design and performance.
- Durability design and performance;
- Computational methods;
- Use for strengthening and repair;
- Practical applications.

Important dates:
Abstract due: 30 November 2016
Acceptance of abstract: 31 January 2017
Full manuscript due: 15 March 2017
Acceptance of manuscript: 15 April 2017
Final manuscript due: 1 May 2017
From Monday 18 September 2017
to Wednesday 20 September 2017
Dresden, Germany

Dresden, Germany

Dresden, Germany


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From Monday 18 September 2017
to Wednesday 20 September 2017
Dresden, Germany
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