Materials and Structures 39 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 7 , N° 39 Année: 1974 |
Elastic and plastic deformations of plaster units under uniaxial compressive stress Author(s): H. Sattler |
Pages: 159 - 168 |
Les époxydes dans les structures en béton armé Author(s): V.A. Lissenko |
Pages: 169 - 180 |
An ultimate shear strength theory for reinforced concrete T-beams without web reinforcement Author(s): R.N. Swamy, S.A. Quereshi |
Pages: 181 - 189 |
The tensile creep and fracture of desiccated concrete and mortar on water sorprtion Author(s): D.J. Cook, M.N. Haque |
Pages: 191 - 196 |
Prediction of compressive strength of concrete Author(s): J. Karni |
Pages: 197 - 200 |
Application of quantitative neutron activation analysis to the study of the cement-chloride reaction Author(s): C.W. Wolhuter, J. Turkstra, R.M. Morris |
Pages: 201 - 206 |
Commission Permanente du Béton : résumé des travaux réalisés Author(s): P. Dutron |
Pages: 207 - 224 |