Materials and Structures 51 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 9 , N° 51 Année: 1976 |
Phenomenological aspect of concrete durabiliy theory Author(s): A.M. Poldvalnyi |
Pages: 151 - 162 |
Calcul de résistance de structures planes en béton armé de fibres Author(s): J.P. Rammant, M. Van Laethem |
Pages: 163 - 168 |
Prévision de la charge et de la flèche ultimes dans une poutre hyperstatique en béton armé Author(s): J. Pera, J. Tuset, J.M. Reynouard, M. Lemaire, J.C. Cubaud |
Pages: 169 - 175 |
Evaluation of fire testing procedures for combustible materials and building elements from the structural engineering viewpoint Author(s): Ch. Hildebrand |
Pages: 177 - 182 |
Steam-curing of Portland sand-cements Author(s): S.M. Elwan |
Pages: 183 - 186 |
Corrosion of reinforcement in concrete. State-of-the-art report Author(s): RILEM TC 12-CRC |
Pages: 187 - 206 |
Non-destructive testing. Comparison between recommendations existing in some East European countries concerning the determination of concrete strength by surface hardness methods Author(s): I. Facaoaru, RILEM TC 7-NDT |
Pages: 207 - 210 |
Liants résineux. Durabilité. Appareils et stations de vieillissement. Résultats d'enquête Author(s): RILEM TC -8SR |
Pages: 211 - 223 |