Materials and Structures 64 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 11 , N° 64 Année: 1978 |
The log-normal distribution: a better fistness for the results of mechanical testing of materials Author(s): R.J. Torrent |
Pages: 235 - 245 |
Analyse expérimentale du retrait de couches minces de mortier mesuré depuis le moulage Author(s): C.H. Détriché |
Pages: 247 - 259 |
Investigation on the cracking behaviour of lightweight concrete Author(s): P. Bocca, U. Rossetti |
Pages: 261 - 268 |
Creep and shrinkage functions according to CEB-FIP Author(s): J.C.F. Telles, A.L. Halbritter, F.L.L.B. Carneiro |
Pages: 269 - 273 |
The flexural or rotational stiffness of testing machines Author(s): P. Foote |
Pages: 275 - 278 |
Mesure de la résistance de granulats légers sous pressions hydrostatique Author(s): M. Albenque, T. Fontaine |
Pages: 279 - 280 |
Recommandations: Classification fonctionnelle des bétons / Functional classification of lightweight concretes Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 281 - 282 |
Recommandations: Testing methods for joints with mechanical fasteners in load-bearing timber structures. Annex A1 Punched metal plate fasteners Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 295 - 298 |