Materials and Structures 69 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 12 , N° 69 Année: 1979 |
The specific surface area of hydrated cement obtained from permeability data Author(s): T.C. Powers |
Pages: 159 - 168 |
Practical prediction of time-dependent deformations of concrete. Part V - Temperature effect on drying creep. Part VI - Cyclic creep, nonlinearity and statistical variability Author(s): Z.P. Bazant, L. Panula |
Pages: 169 - 183 |
Premier et second retrait des couches minces de mortier Author(s): C.H. Detriche, J.C. Maso |
Pages: 185 - 191 |
Poker chip tests on bituminous concrete Author(s): D. Bynum |
Pages: 193 - 199 |
Uniaxial tensile strength of early age fibre concretes Author(s): K. Komlos |
Pages: 201 - 206 |
Mean steel strain in reinforced concrete flexural members Author(s): K. Ganesh Babu |
Pages: 207 - 214 |
Mise au point d'une méthode de mesure des hautes viscosités Author(s): P. Demars |
Pages: 215 - 219 |
Méthodes d'essai des bétons / Concrete test methods Author(s): RILEM TC CPC |
Pages: 221 - 242 |
Mesure de la dureté des plâtres en laboratoire et sur chantier / Measurements of the hardness of gypsum plasters in the laboratory and on site Author(s): RILEM TC 23-GP |
Pages: 243 - 248 |