Materials and Structures 100 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 17 , N° 100 Année: 1984 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 273 - 274 |
The skin of concrete - Composition and properties Author(s): P.C. Kreijger |
Pages: 275 - 283 |
Free and combined chloride in hydrating cement and cement components Author(s): V.S. Ramachandran, R.C. Seeley, G.M. Polomark |
Pages: 285 - 289 |
Changes in the structure of hardened cement paste due to high temperatuer Author(s): J. Piasta, Z. Sawicz, L. Rudzinski |
Pages: 291 - 296 |
Mouvements d'eau, hydratation et comportement mécanique des mortiers d'enduit Author(s): C.H. Detriche, J.L. Gallias, J. Grandet, J.C. Maso |
Pages: 297 - 302 |
Influence de la teneur en eau sur la diffusivité thermique du plâtre. I - Etude par la méthode du signal sinusoïdal (méthode d'Angström) Author(s): A. Danten, G. Hostache, M. Murat, L. Sicard |
Pages: 303 - 306 |
Influence de la teneur en eau sur la diffusivité thermique du plâtre. II - Etude par la méthode de la sonde à choc thermique Author(s): D. Quenard, R. Cope, F. Derrien, H. Sallee |
Pages: 306 - 309 |
Prediction of bond between steel and concrete by numerical analysis Author(s): H.W. Reinhardt, J. Blaauwendraad, E. Vos |
Pages: 311 - 320 |
On the variability of the creep coefficient of structural concrete Author(s): D. Diamantidis, H.O. Madsen, R. Rackwitz |
Pages: 321 - 328 |
Structural behaviour of loaded multilayer wall panels Author(s): I. Rosenthal |
Pages: 329 - 332 |
A performance approach to quality roofing membranes Author(s): W.C. Cullen |
Pages: 333 - 338 |