Materials and Structures 101 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 17 , N° 101 Année: 1984 |
Frost resistance and pore size distribution in bricks Author(s): M. Maage |
Pages: 345 - 350 |
Thermal stresses in mortar-title systems Author(s): K. Yoshikawa, G.G. Litvan |
Pages: 351 - 357 |
Textural analysis of concrete by means of surface roughness Author(s): J.C. Deelman |
Pages: 359 - 367 |
The effect of fly ashes on the rheological behaviour of cement pastes Author(s): L. Rudzinski |
Pages: 369 - 373 |
Practical prediction of creep and shrinkage of high strength concrete Author(s): Z.P. Bazant, L. Panula |
Pages: 375 - 378 |
Research into aperture parameters of point bonded roof waterproofing membranes Author(s): Xu-Zhao-Dong, C. De-Kun |
Pages: 379 - 384 |
Une nouvelle technologie dans la construction en acier résistant au feu Author(s): J.C. Schleich |
Pages: 385 - 390 |
CPC 11.3 Absorption d'eau par immersion sous vide / Absorption of water by immersion under vacuum Author(s): RILEM TC 14-CPC |
Pages: 391 - 394 |
The dynamic behaviour of concrete structures - Recommendations of good practice for methods of testing and design reported by 65-MDB Committee Author(s): RILEM TC 65-MDB |
Pages: 395 - 400 |