Materials and Structures 118 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 20 , N° 118 Année: 1987 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 241 - 242 |
A prospecttive study of materials based on stochastic methods Author(s): G.I. Schueller |
Pages: 242 - 247 |
Ecological properties of building materials Author(s): P.C. Kreijger |
Pages: 248 - 254 |
Matériaux traditionnels ou avancés: un choix pour les pays en voie de développement Author(s): M. Foti, A. Gilibert Volterrani |
Pages: 255 - 259 |
Aggregates in Saudi Arabia: a survey of their properties and suitability for concrete Author(s): H.M. Zein Al-Abidien |
Pages: 260 - 264 |
Evaluation of properties of bricks impregnated with sulphur Author(s): A.I. Al-Hadithi, H.IL. Al-Saleem, B.G. Ikzer |
Pages: 265 - 269 |
Strength of concrete in warm and dry environment Author(s): O.Z. Cebici |
Pages: 270 - 272 |
Long-term properties of steel fibre reinforced marine concrete Author(s): P.S. Mangat, K. Gurusamy |
Pages: 273 - 281 |
Contribution à l'analyse expérimentale du comportement mécanique cyclique du béton Author(s): B. Al Sulayfani, J. Lamirault |
Pages: 283 - 292 |
Impact behaviour of concrete beams Author(s): N.P. Banthia, S. Mindess, A. Bentur |
Pages: 293 - 302 |
The influence of axial load and rate of loading on experimental post-elastic behaviour and ductility of reinforced concrete members Author(s): E. Pozzo |
Pages: 303 - 314 |
Influence des paramètres constitutifs de l'association acier-béton sur la résistance de l'adhérence aux chargements cycliques lents Author(s): K. Adrouche, M. Lorraine |
Pages: 315 - 320 |