Materials and Structures 120 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 20 , N° 120 Année: 1987 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 401 - 401 |
The evaluation of the crack-bridging ability of exposed roof coatings Author(s): C. Jaegermann, M. Puterman |
Pages: 403 - 407 |
Probabilistic analysis of the cracking of RC beams Author(s): P. Desayi, K. Balaji Rao |
Pages: 408 - 417 |
The influence of autocorrelation on OC-lines of compliance criteria for concrete strength Author(s): L. Taerwe |
Pages: 418 - 427 |
Sur la sensibilité des valeurs de Kc et Gf aux conditions expérimentales dans un essai de flexion 3 point sur éprouvettes entaillées Author(s): C.H. Detriche, J.C. Maso, S.A. Ramoda |
Pages: 428 - 435 |
Effect of steel fibres at two different stages: the material and the structure Author(s): P. Rossi, P. Acker, Y. Malier |
Pages: 436 - 439 |
Fracture energy for three point bend tests on single edge notched beams: proposed evaluation Author(s): L. Javier Malavar, G.E. Warren |
Pages: 440 - 447 |
The effect of the shape of the strain-softening diagram on the bearing capacity of concrete beams Author(s): A.M. Alvaredo, R.J. Torrent |
Pages: 448 - 454 |
Relationships between mechanical properties of cement stabilized materials Author(s): B. Babic |
Pages: 455 - 460 |
Etude de l'influence du sel sur le comportement d'éprouvettes soumises à des cycles "Gel-Dégel" Author(s): G. Durand |
Pages: 461 - 462 |
A new tensile test for concrete Author(s): E.S. Katsaragakis |
Pages: 463 - 466 |
RILEM Bulletin Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 467 - 470 |
RILEM Indexes Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 471 - 490 |