Materials and Structures 128 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 22 , N° 128 Année: 1989 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 81 - 82 |
Chemical prestress and strengths of reinforced concrete pipes using expansive concrete Author(s): M. Kawakami, K. Gamski, H. Tokuda, M. Kagaya |
Pages: 83 - 90 |
Coupling between the crack propagation velocity and the vapour diffusion in concrete Author(s): P. Rossi |
Pages: 91 - 97 |
Experimental investigations on the damage of Portland cement concrete made with natural aggregates Author(s): S. Chhuy, G. Cannard, J.L. Robert, P. Rossi |
Pages: 98 - 106 |
Control of slump loss in superplasticized concrete Author(s): V.S. Ramachandran, J.J. Beaudoin, Z. Shihua |
Pages: 107 - 111 |
Admixtures in cement: a study of dosage rates on early hydration Author(s): W.J. McCarter, S; Garvin |
Pages: 112 - 120 |
A longterm study of MgO hydration in cement pastes Author(s): V. Kasselouri, C. Ftikos |
Pages: 121 - 124 |
The dynamic modulus of hardened cement paste. Part 2: Ice formation, drying and pore size distribution Author(s): B. Zech, M. Setzer |
Pages: 125 - 132 |
The effects of vibrations on the rheological behaviour of bentonite muds. Comparison with cement pastes Author(s): C. Legrand, F. Da Costa |
Pages: 133 - 137 |
Influence des charges sur le comportement mécanique d'un joint collé cisaillé en traction Author(s): W. Luhowiak, R. Cabrillac, R. Duval, C. Collot |
Pages: 138 - 147 |
Etude numérique du dimensionnement d'un appui anti-frettage pour le béton Author(s): J.M. Torrenti |
Pages: 149 - 158 |