Materials and Structures 139 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 24 , N° 139 Année: 1991 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 1 - 2 |
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of the degradation of PVF2 coatings Author(s): Ch. Sjöström, P. Jernberg, D. Lala |
Pages: 3 - 12 |
XRF analysis of sulphur in aggregates used in concrete by the addition of Li2SO4 Author(s): J.S. Chinchón, A. López-Soler, A. Travería, R. Vaquer |
Pages: 13 - 14 |
Effect of stresses on the ultrasonic pulse velocity in concrete Author(s): S. Popovics, J.S. Popovics |
Pages: 15 - 23 |
Technique de mesure in situ du CTOD au bout d'une fissure de fatigue Author(s): K. Jendoubi, N. Ranganathan, J.-P. Baïlon |
Pages: 24 - 31 |
Natural remanent magnetization of Portland cement paste and mortar Author(s): C.W. Farrell, K.C. Hover, P.W. Plumley |
Pages: 32 - 37 |
53-MTC Final Report - Introduction Author(s): P. Habib, RILEM TC 53-MTC |
Pages: 38 - 41 |
Behaviour of concrete under mutiaxial stress: some observations on the state of the art Author(s): E. Fumagalli, RILEM TC 53-MTC |
Pages: 42 - 44 |
Cylinder tests: experimental technique and results Author(s): R. Bellotti, P. Rossi, RILEM TC 53-MTC |
Pages: 45 - 51 |
Comparative study of two biaxial presses for concrete Author(s): J.M. Torrenti, B. Djebri, A. Bascoul, J.L. Granju, RILEM TC 53-MTC |
Pages: 52 - 60 |
Fracture of concrete under multiaxial stress - recent developments Author(s): J.G.M. Van Mier, R.A. Vonk, RILEM TC 53-MTC |
Pages: 61 - 65 |
Prospects for the future Author(s): K.H. Gerstle |
Pages: 66 - 69 |
Collection of in-service performance data: state of the art and approach by CIB W80/RILEM 100-TSL Author(s): Ch. Sjöström, E. Brandt, RILEM TC 100-TSL |
Pages: 70 - 76 |
Guidelines for writing and obtaining RILEM approval for RILEM Technical Recommendations Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 77 - 79 |
Obituary - Svein Gabriel Bergström Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 80 - 80 |