Materials and Structures 145 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 25 , N° 145 Année: 1992 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 1 - 2 |
Applicability of classical isotropic fracture mechanics specimens to wood crack propagation studies Author(s): G. Valentin, G. Adjanohoun |
Pages: 3 - 13 |
Modelling the fracture of cementitious materials Author(s): B. Cotterell, P. Paramasivam, K.Y. Lam |
Pages: 14 - 20 |
Improved prediction model for time-dependent deformations of concrete: Part 3 - Creep at drying Author(s): Z.P. Bazant, J.-K. Kim |
Pages: 21 - 28 |
Methods for determining the strength of concrete Author(s): D.A. Korshunov, M.V. Sidorenko |
Pages: 29 - 33 |
Mise en évidence du rôle fluidifiant du triaminopropyltriéthoxysilane sur les mortiers de ciment magnésien Author(s): Ph. Matray, P. Hamelin |
Pages: 34 - 41 |
Ultrasonic and laser measurements in structural contact problems Author(s): P. Daponte, R.S. Olivito, G. Spadea |
Pages: 42 - 48 |
Guide for use of admixtures in concrete Author(s): A.M. Paillère, M. Ben, S. Akman, RILEM TC 84-AAC |
Pages: 49 - 56 |
RILEM/ESIS international symposium-Fracture processes in brittle disordered materials: concrete, rock, ceramics Author(s): J.G.M. van Mier, RILEM |
Pages: 57 - 59 |
International Workshop - High performance fibre reinforced cement composites Author(s): H.W. Reinhardt, A.E. Naaman |
Pages: 60 - 62 |