Materials and Structures 151 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 25 , N° 151 Année: 1992 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 379 - 380 |
Water permeability of fly ash concretes Author(s): S.E. Hedegaard, T.C. Hansen |
Pages: 381 - 387 |
The permeability of fly ash concrete Author(s): M.D.A. Thomas, J.D. Matthews |
Pages: 388 - 396 |
Utilisation des cendres volanets dans des produits argileux stabilisés à froid et mis en forme par extrusion Author(s): M. Temimi, A. Ait-Mokhtar, J.P. Camps, M. Laquerbe |
Pages: 397 - 403 |
Factors influencing chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcement in concrete Author(s): P.S. Mangat, B.T. Molloy |
Pages: 404 - 411 |
Long-term behaviour of plain and steel fibre reinforced concrete rings Author(s): T. Nürnbergerova, A. Babal |
Pages: 412 - 416 |
New economical solutions for improvement of durability of Portland cement mortars reinforced with sisal fibres Author(s): M.F. Canovas, N.H. Selga, G.M. Kawiche |
Pages: 417 - 422 |
Reliability of testing procedures for reinforced concrete structures experimentally checked on bending-stressed beams Author(s): B. De Nicolo, F. Mistretta, E. Pozzo |
Pages: 423 - 428 |
Microstructural investigation of natural deterioration of building materials in Gothengurg, Sweden Author(s): S.L. Sarkar, S. Chandra, M. Rodhe |
Pages: 429 - 435 |
RILEM Bulletin Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 437 - 441 |