Materials and Structures 153 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 25 , N° 153 Année: 1992 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Fickelson |
Pages: 507 - 508 |
The dynamic behaviour of concrete : influence of free water Author(s): P. Rossi, J.G.M. Van Mier, C. Boulay, F. Le Maou |
Pages: 509 - 513 |
Water vaour adsorption and transfer in cement-based materials: a network simulation Author(s): D. Quenard, H. Sallee |
Pages: 515 - 522 |
Modelling the leaching of calcium hydroxide from cement paste: effects on pore space percolation and diffusivity Author(s): D.P. Bentz, E.J. Garboczi |
Pages: 523 - 533 |
Simple lattice model for numerical simulation of fracture of concrete materials and structures Author(s): E. Schlangen, J.G.M. Van Mier |
Pages: 534 - 542 |
Creep and shrinkage analysis of composite systems under axial load and biaxial bending Author(s): C.A. Adrian, T.C. Triantafillou |
Pages: 543 - 551 |
Extensibility of high-strength concretes Author(s): A. Giovambattista, D. Violini, R. Zerbino |
Pages: 552 - 557 |
Modélisation du comportement hygrothermique des parois multicouches : prévision des risques de condensation dans les parois à isolation intérieure et extérieure Author(s): B. Kari, B. Perrin, J.C. Foures |
Pages: 558 - 565 |
Letters to the Editor / Lettres à la rédaction Author(s): B. Mather |
Pages: 566 - 568 |
Biographical information / Informations bibliographiques Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 569 - 569 |