Materials and Structures 167 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 27 , N° 167 Année: 1994 |
Calculation of moisture transport coefficients on the basis of relevant pore structure parameters Author(s): B. Meng |
Pages: 125 - 134 |
Influence of superplasticizer dosage on the quantity of hydrates needed to obtain a given strength for very young concrete Author(s): C. Legrand, E. Wirquin |
Pages: 135 - 137 |
Analyse des effets thermiques sur le comportements mécaniques des bétons destinés aux revêtements de tunnels Author(s): S. Aggoun, J.M. Torrenti, J. Prost, M. Legrand |
Pages: 138 - 147 |
The anisotropic beam submitted to a uniformly distributed load Author(s): F. Van Cauwelaert, B. Eckmann |
Pages: 148 - 152 |
On the behaviour of concrete under water jet impingement Author(s): A. Momber, H. Louis |
Pages: 153 - 156 |
109-TSA State-of-the-Art Report on Timber Stuctures in Seismic Regions Author(s): RILEM TC 109-TSA |
Pages: 157 - 184 |
PROBAMAT, a RILEM/NATO Workshop on Probabilisties and Materials: Tests, Models and Applications Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 185 - 186 |