Materials and Structures 169 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 27 , N° 169 Année: 1994 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 249 - 250 |
Analyses of anchor pull-out in concrete Author(s): A. Vervuurt, J.G.M. Van Mier, E. Schlangen |
Pages: 251 - 259 |
Effect of loading rate on the strength of concrete subjected to uniaxial tension Author(s): P. Rossi, J.G.M. Van Mier, F. Toutlemonde, F. Le Maou, C. Boulay |
Pages: 260 - 264 |
Investigation of the possibility of estimating concrete strength by porosity measurements Author(s): S. Kolias |
Pages: 265 - 272 |
Evaluation of early concrete strength Author(s): E. Siviero |
Pages: 273 - 284 |
Cement content in concretes made with aluminous cement Author(s): S. Chinchon, F. Guirado, S. Gali, E. Vazquez |
Pages: 285 - 287 |
Letters to the Editor / Lettre à la Rédaction Author(s): T. Knudsen |
Pages: 288 - 290 |
Barrier performance of concrete: A review of fluid transport theory Author(s): C. Hall, RILEM TC 146 |
Pages: 291 - 306 |
Third International RILEM Symposium on Demolition and Reuse of Concrete and Masonry Author(s): E.K Lauritzen, RILEM |
Pages: 307 - 310 |