Materials and Structures 178 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 28 , N° 178 Année: 1995 |
Modelling the fracture of concrete: the cohesive crack Author(s): G.V. Guinea |
Pages: 187 - 194 |
L'effet-dalle en béton de hautes performances - quantification et interprétation Author(s): E. Kumaat, M. Lorrain |
Pages: 195 - 200 |
Analysis of anchor bolt pull-out tests by a two-domain boundary element method Author(s): A.H. Chahrour, M. Ohtsu |
Pages: 201 - 209 |
Design and structural applications of stress-crack width relations in fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): H. Stang, V.C. Li, H. Krenchel |
Pages: 210 - 219 |
Propriétés mécaniques de composites ciment-fibres organiques Author(s): V. Houget, J. Ambroise, J. Pera |
Pages: 220 - 229 |
Technique of multi-step concrete mixing Author(s): K.R. Saeed |
Pages: 230 - 234 |
Efficiency, skin strength and sorptivity of fly ash concretes Author(s): M.K. Gopalan |
Pages: 235 - 240 |
Letters to the editor / Lettres à la rédaction Author(s): B.P. Hughes |
Pages: 241 - 243 |
News from RILEM members Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 244 - 245 |
IUTAM/RILEM Symposium on Size-scale effects in the failure mechanisms of materials and structures Author(s): A. Carpinteri |
Pages: 246 - 247 |