Materials and Structures 183 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 28 , N° 183 Année: 1995 |
Properties of paste-rock interfaces and their influence on composite behaviour Author(s): M.G. Alexander, S. Mindess, S. Diamond, L. Qu |
Pages: 497 - 506 |
Uniaxial tensiel response of microfibre reinforced cement composites Author(s): N. Banthia, A. Moncef, K. Chokri, J. Sheng |
Pages: 507 - 517 |
Combined experimental-numerical approach to characterization of steel-gle-concrete interface Author(s): Y.N. Ziraba, M.H. Baluch, I.A. Basunbul, A.K. Azad, G.J. Al-Sulaimani, A.M. Sharif |
Pages: 518 - 525 |
Thermal imaging of hazardous organic fluids in concrete Author(s): M. Soroso, H.W. Reinhardt |
Pages: 526 - 533 |
Characterization of polymer modified bituminous roofing membranes using chromatography Author(s): K. Oba, M. Hugener |
Pages: 534 - 544 |
Comportement rhéologique du béton frais sous différents chemins de sollicitation Author(s): Ph. Baudeau |
Pages: 545 - 549 |
Thin sand concrete plate of high resistance in traction Author(s): C. Hua, X. Gruz, A. Ehrlacher |
Pages: 550 - 553 |
Une nouvelle méthode d'accroissement de l'adhérence entre une armature en matière végétale et le béton (effet de confinement) : cas de l'armature de rotin dans le béton de nodules latéritiques Author(s): A. Foudjet, J. Fomo |
Pages: 554 - 557 |