Materials and Structures 195 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 30 , N° 195 Année: 1997 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 2 - 2 |
TC SRM: Sustainable applications of mineral raw materials in construction Author(s): RILEM TC SRM |
Pages: 3 - 10 |
Numerical analysis of crack tension specim. of concret considered as a 2D multicracked granular composite Author(s): J. Wang, P. Navi, C. Huet |
Pages: 11 - 21 |
Hydrous transfer within fibrous-cement slates Author(s): A. Raoof, A. Sabouraud |
Pages: 22 - 28 |
Service life analysis from field data on age distributions Author(s): P. Jernberg |
Pages: 29 - 32 |
Frost testing high strength concrete: frost/salt scaling at different cooling rates Author(s): S. Jacobsen, D. H. Saether, E. J. Sellevold |
Pages: 33 - 42 |
Experimental investigation of the potential use of Poly(vinyl alcohol short fibers in fiber-reinforced cement-based composites Author(s): S. Garcia, A. E. Naaman, J. Pera |
Pages: 43 - 52 |
Testing the effectiveness of commonly used site curing regimes Author(s): E. Nolan, M. A. Ali, A. M. Basheer, B. K. Marsh |
Pages: 53 - 60 |
International RILEM conference - Production methods and workability of concrete Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 61 - 63 |