Materials and Structures 198 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 30 , N° 198 Année: 1997 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 194 - 194 |
TC 148-SSC: Test methods for the strain-softening response of concrete - Strain softening of concret in uniaxial tension Author(s): RILEM TC 148-SSC |
Pages: 195 - 209 |
Size effects in the biaxial tensile-compressive behaviour of concrete: physical mechanisms and modelling Author(s): P. Rossi, F.-J. Ulm |
Pages: 210 - 216 |
Les effets du séchage sur la résistance à l'écaillage des bétons avec et sans fumée de silice Author(s): J. Marchand, L. Boisvert, M. Pigeon, O. Houdusse, H. Hornain |
Pages: 217 - 224 |
Environmental effects on the shrinkage of concrete block masonry Author(s): T. G. Hughes, R. J. Harvey |
Pages: 225 - 232 |
Strength characteristics of stone masonry Author(s): K. Venu Madhava Rao, B. V. Venkatarama Reddy, K. S. Jagadish |
Pages: 233 - 237 |
Local phenomena around a steel dowel embedded in a stone masonry wall Author(s): F. Felicetti, N. Gattesco, E. Giuriani |
Pages: 238 - 246 |
Studies on brick masonry Author(s): D. Dajun |
Pages: 247 - 252 |
Fifth NCB international seminar on cement and building materials Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 253 - 254 |