Materials and Structures 201 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 30 , N° 201 Année: 1997 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 386 - 386 |
Gas permeability coefficient of cover concrete as a performance control Author(s): A. Dinku, H.-W. Reinhardt |
Pages: 387 - 393 |
Porosity and liquid absorption of cement pastes Author(s): M. Krus, K. K. Hansen, H. M. Künzel |
Pages: 394 - 398 |
Study of reinf.concrete slabs after three years of cathodic protection under severe conditions Author(s): G. Arliguie, G. Escadeillas, A. Raharinaivo, T. Chaussadent, G. Grimaldi |
Pages: 399 - 403 |
Self-sealing property of concrete - Experimental evidence Author(s): N. Hearn, C. T. Morley |
Pages: 404 - 411 |
The effect of polymer addition on the electrical behaviour of ordinary and pulverized fly ashes modified cement mortars Author(s): F. Sandrolini, A. Saccani |
Pages: 412 - 417 |
Concrete crack repair by stitches Author(s): S. Hamoush, S. H. Ahmad |
Pages: 418 - 423 |
Bond strength tests on deformed reinforcement in normal weight concrete Author(s): P. R. Walker, M. K. Batayneh, P. E. Regan |
Pages: 424 - 429 |
Mechanical properties of quenched and self-tempered reinforcing steel at elevated temper. compared with Recom.of Eurocode 2 Author(s): J.-C. Dotreppe |
Pages: 430 - 438 |
RILEM national groups: The AFREM method for the mix-design of high performance concrete Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 439 - 446 |
Robert L'Hermite medal for 1997 Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 446 - 446 |