Materials and Structures 206 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 31 , N° 206 Année: 1998 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 73 - 73 |
Cracked and repaired concrete subject to fluid penetration Author(s): H. W. Reinhardt, M. Sosoro, X. F. Zhu |
Pages: 74 - 83 |
Mechanical properties of structural concrete incorporating high volume Class F fly ash as partial fine sand replacement Author(s): D. Ravina |
Pages: 84 - 90 |
Mechanics of aggregate rebound in shotcrete (Part I) Author(s): H. S. Armelin, N. Banthia |
Pages: 91 - 98 |
Effect of interior and exterior insulation on the hygrothermal behaviour of exposed walls Author(s): H. M. Künzel |
Pages: 99 - 103 |
Gas and water transport through polymer based protective materials for stone monuments: fluorinated polyurethanes Author(s): V. Antonnuci, C. Mastrangeli, G. Menistieri, M. A. Del Nobile, L. Nicolais |
Pages: 104 - 110 |
High-performance concrete: An overview Author(s): A. Neville, P.-C. Aitcin |
Pages: 111 - 117 |
Numerical and experimental stiffness characterizations applied to soft textile composites for tensile structures Author(s): C. Szostkiewicz-Chatain, P. Hamelin |
Pages: 118 - 125 |
Evaluation of mineral building materials: problems related to resistivity methods Author(s): B. Van de Steen, B. Wuytens, A. Vervoort, D. Van Gemert |
Pages: 126 - 132 |
A sample holder for the study of isothermal heat of hydration of cement Author(s): P. Freiesleben Hansen, O. M. Jensen |
Pages: 133 - 136 |
Fifth RILEM symposium on mechanical test methods for bituminous materials Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 137 - 142 |
Second RILEM workshop on hydration and setting: "Why does cement set? An interdisciplinary approach" Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 142 - 143 |
STRUMAS IV - International symposium on computer methods in masonry Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 143 - 144 |
11th international brick/block masonry conference Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 144 - 144 |