Materials and Structures 218 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 32 , N° 218 Année: 1999 |
Editorial Author(s): J. Kropp |
Pages: 242 - 242 |
Aspects électrochimiques de l'essai accéléré de perméabilité aux ions chlorures Author(s): W. Prince, J. P. Ollivier, O. Truc |
Pages: 243 - 251 |
Chloride penetration into concrete in marine environment - Part I: Main parameters affecting chloride penetration Author(s): A. Costa, J. Appleton |
Pages: 252 - 259 |
Degree of hydration based Kelvin model for the basic creep of early age concrete Author(s): G. De Schutter |
Pages: 260 - 265 |
Numerical modeling - A new tool for understanding shotcrete Author(s): T. Uomoto, U. C. Puri |
Pages: 266 - 272 |
Assessment of washout resistance of underwater concrete: a comparison between CRD C61 and new MC-1 tests Author(s): M. Sonebi, K. H. Khayat, P. J. M. Bartos |
Pages: 273 - 281 |
Apport des techniques de mesures fluxmétriques dans les méthodes de maturométrie des bétons Author(s): H. Kada-Benameur, E. Antczak, M. Broda, B. Duthoit |
Pages: 282 - 289 |
Behaviour of headed stud shear connectors under low-cycle high amplitude displacements Author(s): O. S. Bursi, G. Gramola |
Pages: 290 - 297 |
Fatigue behaviour and size effect perpendicular to the grain of laminated Douglas fir veneer Author(s): L. P. Norlin, F. Lam |
Pages: 298 - 303 |
The application of the dissipated energy method for assessing the performance of polymer-modified bituminous mixtures Author(s): I. Widyatmoko, C. Ellis, J. M. Read |
Pages: 304 - 310 |
Paramètres anatomiques et comportement à rupture de l'épicéa en dimensions commerciales Author(s): Ph. Renaudin, D. Breysse |
Pages: 311 - 318 |
RILEM technical committees created in 1998 Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 319 - 320 |