Materials and Structures 225 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 33 , N° 225 Année: 2000 |
Editorial Author(s): J. Kropp |
Pages: 2 - 2 |
Recommendations of RILEM TC 162-TDF: Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): RILEM TC 162-TDF |
Pages: 3 - 5 |
Durability design of concrete structures - Committee Report of RILEM TC 130-CSL Author(s): RILEM TC 130-CSL |
Pages: 14 - 20 |
Non-steady-state chloride diffusion coefficients obtained from migration and natural diffusion tests. Part I: Comparison between several methods of calculation Author(s): C. Andrade, M. Castellote, C. Alonso, C. González |
Pages: 21 - 28 |
Thermal reactivity of slag cement binders and the response of high strength concretes to in-situ curing conditions Author(s): S. L. Mak |
Pages: 29 - 37 |
Use of conditioned PFA as a fine aggregate component in concrete Author(s): R. K. Dhir, M. J. McCarthy, P. A. J. Tittle |
Pages: 38 - 42 |
Advances in the knowledge of the influence of moisture changes on the long-term mechanical performance of timber structures Author(s): A. Hanhijärvi |
Pages: 43 - 49 |
Influence de la concentration et de la dimension des granulats vis-à-vis de la poussée du béton frais sur une paroi coffrante Author(s): S. Amziane, P. Baudeau |
Pages: 50 - 58 |
Fly ash - lime - phosphogypsum cementitious binder: A new trend in bricks Author(s): S. Kumar |
Pages: 59 - 64 |
Parametric study for the creation of the interface between concrete and repair products Author(s): L. Courard |
Pages: 65 - 72 |