Materials and Structures 239 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 34 , N° 239 Année: 2001 |
Experimental study on the plastic rotation capacity of reinforced high strength concrete beams Author(s): M.-Y. Ko, S.-W. Kim, J.-K. Kim |
Pages: 302 - 311 |
Fracture and failure of thermally damaged concrete under tensile loading Author(s): B. E. Barragán, G. M. Giaccio, R. L. Zerbino |
Pages: 312 - 319 |
Interaction between thermal dilation and autogenous deformation in high performance concrete Author(s): Ø. Bjøntegård, E. J. Sellevold |
Pages: 266 - 272 |
Early chemical shrinkage due to dissolution and hydration of cement Author(s): F. Beltzung, F. H. Wittmann |
Pages: 279 - 283 |
Influence of size on fracture energy of concrete Author(s): B. Trunk, F. H. Wittmann |
Pages: 260 - 265 |
Necrology of Prof. Tibor Jávor, M.Sc., PhD., DrSc Author(s): L. Nad |
Pages: 320 - 320 |
Effect of silica fume on the plastic shrinkage and pore water pressure of high-strength concretes Author(s): T. A. Hammer |
Pages: 273 - 278 |
Cracking behaviour of reinforced concrete subjected to early-age shrinkage Author(s): M. Sule, K. van Breugel |
Pages: 284 - 292 |
Numerical modelling of volume changes at early ages - Potential, pitfalls and challenges Author(s): K. van Breugel |
Pages: 293 - 301 |
Editorial Author(s): V. Baroghel-Bouny |
Pages: 258 - 259 |