Materials and Structures 243 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 34 , N° 243 Année: 2001 |
Recommendations of TC 176-IDC: Internal damage of concrete due to frost action
Slab test: Freeze/thaw resistance of concrete - Internal deterioration Author(s): RILEM TC 176-IDC |
Pages: 526 - 531 |
Drying/hydration in cement pastes during curing Author(s): D. P. Bentz, K. K. Hansen, H. D. Madsen, F. Vallée, E. J. Griesel |
Pages: 557 - 565 |
RILEM TC 178-TMC: 'Testing and modelling chloride penetration in concrete'
Round-robin test on chloride analysis in concrete - Part I: Analysis of total chloride content Author(s): RILEM TC 178-TMC, M. Castellote, C. Andrade |
Pages: 532 - 556 |
Specifying concrete for chloride environments using controlled permeability formwork Author(s): M. J. McCarthy, A. Giannakou, M. R. Jones |
Pages: 566 - 576 |
Editorial Author(s): M. Brusin |
Pages: 514 - 514 |