Materials and Structures 248 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 35 , N° 248 Année: 2002 |
Caractérisation de l'endommagement du béton par mesures électriques Author(s): C. Sirieix, J.-F. Lataste, D. Breysse, M. Frappa |
Pages: 204 - 210 |
Two different stochastic approaches modelling the decay process of masonry surfaces over time Author(s): E. Garavaglia, B. Lubelli, L. Binda |
Pages: 246 - 256 |
Shear transfer capacity along pumice aggregate concrete and high-performance concrete interfaces Author(s): C. G. Papanicolaou, T. C. Triantafillou |
Pages: 237 - 245 |
Influence of concrete relative humidity on the amplitude of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) signal Author(s): S. Laurens, J.-P. Balayssac, J. Rhazi, G. Arliguie |
Pages: 198 - 203 |
Experimental identification of Biot's hydro-mechanical coupling coefficient for cement mortar Author(s): W. Obeid, G. Mounajed, A. Alliche |
Pages: 229 - 236 |
The Pickett effect at early age and experiment separating its mechanisms in tension Author(s): S. A. Altoubat, D. A. Lange |
Pages: 211 - 218 |
Evaluation of the role of transverse reinforcement in confining tension lap splices in high strength concrete Author(s): B. S. Hamad, S. Najjar |
Pages: 219 - 228 |
Relation between abrasion resistance and flexural strength of high volume fly ash concrete Author(s): C. D. Atis, O. N. Çelik |
Pages: 257 - 260 |