Evaluation of the role of transverse reinforcement in confining tension lap splices in high strength concrete
Title: Evaluation of the role of transverse reinforcement in confining tension lap splices in high strength concrete
Author(s): B. S. Hamad, S. Najjar
Paper category : journal
Serial title: Materials and Structures
Abreviated Serial title: Mater. Struct.
ISSN: 1359-5997
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Volume: 35
Issue: 248
Issue date: 2002-05-01
Publication year: 2002
Pages: 219 - 228
Total Pages: 10
Nb references: 9
Language: English
Abstract: In order to improve radar technique efficiency and to offer innovative applications as non-destructive evaluation tools for civil engineering structures,the authors studied the influence of concrete moisture on GPR sounding.
The presence of water in concrete leads to modifications of its electromagnetic properties and thus to specific effects upon waveform characteristics.
In particular,the paper focuses on amplitude variations during processes which consume free water (hydration,drying).
Radar measurements were carried out on laboratory samples using a commercial ground-coupled antenna of 1.
5 GHz central frequency,while relative humidity profiles of the concrete were provided by specific sensors placed at various heights through the concrete samples.
An increase in the amplitude of signals propagating through the samples was observed during hydration and drying.
Moreover, radargrams recorded during the test also show that the direct wave ,propagating at the surface of the samples,is greatly influenced by the evolution of concrete moisture.
Concrete hygrometric measurements performed at the same time provide quantitative information on the effect of moisture reduction on radar signals.
Online publication: 2002-03-27
Classification: Scientific Reports
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
doi: 10.1617/13786
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