RILEM TC 177-MDT Workshop on Site Control and Non Destructive Evaluation of Masonry Structures
Title: RILEM TC 177-MDT Workshop on Site Control and Non Destructive Evaluation of Masonry Structures
Author(s): L. Binda, R. de Vekey
Paper category : journal
Serial title: Materials and Structures
Abreviated Serial title: Mater. Struct.
ISSN: 1359-5997
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Volume: 35
Issue: 251
Issue date: 2002-08-01
Publication year: 2002
Pages: 443 - 444
Total Pages: 2
Language: English
Abstract: The Workshop has been organised under the scientific support of RILEM within the frame of the RILEM TC 177-MDT,dealing with minor destructive and non destructive techniques carried out on site to control durability and structural behaviour of masonry structures.
The Committee started its works in 1997 following a previous Committee 127-MS on laboratory and on site testing for masonry structures.
The Workshop was on purpose kept of small dimensions in order to have the opportunity of intense presentation and work of the members of the Committee together with some invited experts in the field.
Very low fees were paid by the few attendants who were students,professors and private laboratories.
The choice of Mantova as city hosting the Workshop was made on purpose.
Mantova is a small historic city at the bottom of the Lombardy Region,with a long rich history.
It is characterised by ancient and old brick-masonry historic buildings and by a great number of museums showing architectures by Giulio Romano and paintings by Mantegna.
It is a quiet city belonging to the Province and is hosting courses of the Faculty of Architecture of the Politecnico of Milan.
The Workshop was chaired by L.
Binda who is also chairing RILEM TC 177-MDT.
The Faculty of Architecture provided the conference room and all the facilities and supported some expenses.
Some private laboratories working in the field of NDT participated in the Poster Session and gave also support to the Workshop providing hotel and meal expenses to the invited guests and the evening banquet.
Online publication: 2002-06-27
Classification: RILEM Bulletin
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): free
doi: 10.1617/13913
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