Recommendations of RILEM TC 162-TDF: Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete: bending test
Title: Recommendations of RILEM TC 162-TDF: Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete: bending test
Author(s): RILEM TC 162-TDF
Paper category : journal
Serial title: Materials and Structures
Abreviated Serial title: Mater. Struct.
ISSN: 1359-5997
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Volume: 35
Issue: 253
Issue date: 2002-11-01
Publication year: 2002
Pages: 579 - 582
Total Pages: 4
Language: English
Abstract: This test method evaluates the tensile behaviour of steel fibre-reinforced concrete either in terms of areas under the load-def lection curve or by the load bearing capacity at a certain deflection or crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD)obtained by testing a simply supported notched beam under three-point loading.
This standard is not intended to be applied in the case of shotcrete.
This test method can be used for the determination of: the limit of proportionality (LOP),i.
the stress which corresponds to the point on the load-def lection or loadcrack mouth opening displacement curve (=>F(L) )defined in part 5 as limit of proportionality; two equivalent flexural tensile strengths which identify the material behaviour up to the selected deflection.
These equivalent f lexural tensile strengths are determined according to part 5; four residual flexural tensile strengths which identify the material behaviour at a selected deflection or CMOD.
The residual flexural tensile strengths are calculated according to procedures in part 5.
If the objective of the test is to calculate equivalent flexural tensile strength,it is necessary to measure the deflection.
However if only residual f lexural tensile strengths are calculated,one can choose between the measurement of def lection and/or CMOD.
A relation between mid-span deflection and CMOD is given in part 6.
Online publication: 2002-09-27
Classification: RILEM Technical Committees
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
doi: 10.1617/13884
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