Materials and Structures 261 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 36 , N° 261 Année: 2003 |
Influence of confinement on high strength concrete behavior Author(s): P. Serna Ros, S. A. Jazzar, A. Coca Calvo |
Pages: 439 - 447 |
Drying of porous building materials: hydraulic diffusivity and front propagation Author(s): D. A. Lockington, J.-Y. Parlange, D. A. Barry, C. Leech |
Pages: 448 - 452 |
Caractérisation thermophysique et mécanique de briques de terre stabilisées en vue de l'isolation thermique de bâtiment Author(s): P. Meukam, A. Noumowé, Y. Jannot, R. Duval |
Pages: 453 - 460 |
Chemomechanics of concrete at finer scale Author(s): F.-J. Ulm |
Pages: 426 - 438 |
RILEM Recommended Test Method AAR-0 'Detection of potential alkali-reactivity in concrete'
Outline guide to the use of RILEM methods in assessments of alkali-reactivity potential Author(s): RILEM TC 191-ARP |
Pages: 472 - 479 |
RILEM Recommended Test Method AAR-1 'Detection of potential alkali-reactivity aggregates'
Petrographic method Author(s): RILEM TC 191-ARP |
Pages: 480 - 496 |