Materials and Structures 271 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 37 , N° 271 Année: 2004 |
Mould and phototroph growth on masonry façades after repainting Author(s): M. A. Shirakawa, V. M. John, C. C. Gaylarde, P. M. Gaylarde, W. Gambale |
Pages: 472 - 479 |
Planar shear moduli of rigidity of an oriented strand board from bending and shear tests Author(s): W. H. Thomas |
Pages: 480 - 484 |
A four-exponential model to describe the behaviour of fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): M. K. Lee, B. I. G. Barr |
Pages: 464 - 471 |
The relationship between chloride migration rate for concrete and electrical current in steady state using the accelerated chloride migration test Author(s): C. C. Yang, S. W. Cho |
Pages: 456 - 463 |
Temps zéro de référence pour les mesures de retrait Author(s): J.-L. Granju, M. Sarkis, M. Arnaud, G. Escadeillas |
Pages: 449 - 455 |
Bond and interfacial properties of reinforcement in self-compacting concrete Author(s): W. Zhu, M. Sonebi, P. J. M. Bartos |
Pages: 442 - 448 |
Test method recommendations of RILEM TC 177-MDT 'Masonry durability and on-site testing' -
D.4: In-situ stress tests based on the flat jack Author(s): RILEM TC 177-MDT |
Pages: 491 - 496 |
Test method recommendations of RILEM TC 177-MDT 'Masonry durability and on-site testing' -
D.5: In-situ stress - strain behaviour tests based on the flat jack Author(s): RILEM TC 177-MDT |
Pages: 497 - 501 |