Materials and Structures 278 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 38 , N° 278 Année: 2005 |
Strain compatibility between HPFRCC and steel reinforcement Author(s): A. P. Fantilli, H. Mihashi, P. Vallini |
Pages: 495 - 503 |
A method for measuring the chloride threshold level required to initiate reinforcement corrosion in concrete Author(s): P. V. Nygaard, M. Geiker |
Pages: 489 - 494 |
Erratum in Mater. Struct. 38 (276) (2005) 249-256, doi:10.1617/14096 Author(s): L. Berto, R. Scotta, R. Vitaliani, A. Saetta |
Pages: 504 - 504 |
On the Nanoscience of Cementitious Materials Author(s): K. Scrivener |
Pages: 433 - 434 |
Special Issue on the Nanoscience of Cementitious Materials
Study of C-S-H growth on C3S surface during its early hydration Author(s): S. Garrault, E. Finot, E. Lesniewska, A. Nonat |
Pages: 435 - 442 |
Experimental and molecular dynamics modeling studies of interlayer swelling: water incorporation in kanemite and ASR gel Author(s): R. J. Kirkpatrick, A. G. Kalinichev, X. Hou, L. Struble |
Pages: 449 - 458 |
Mechanisms of salt scaling Author(s): J. J. Valenza II, G. Scherer |
Pages: 479 - 488 |
Surface energies of hardened cement paste depending on relative humidity Author(s): J. Adolphs |
Pages: 443 - 448 |
Simulation of cement paste microstructure hydration, pore space characterization and permeability determination Author(s): C. Pignat, P. Navi, K. Scrivener |
Pages: 459 - 466 |
An experimental and mesoscopic lattice simulation study of styrene-butadiene latex-cement composites properties Author(s): O. Rozenbaum, R. J.-M. Pellenq, H. Van Damme |
Pages: 467 - 478 |