Author(s): G. Palacios, S.-H. Chao, A. Nojavan and A. Schultz
Book Title: Seventh International RILEM Conference on High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites (HPFRCC7)
Editor: H.W. Reinhardt, G.J. Parra-Montesinos, H. Garrecht
ISBN: 978-2-35158-145-2
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-146-9
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2015
Pages: 401-408
Total Pages: 8
Language: English
Abstract: Buildings in areas of high seismicity may be subjected to large axial stresses as well as severe earthquake loading. In order to protect the integrity of these buildings, concrete columns must possess high compressive strength and adequate ductility. While the use of high strength concrete (HSC) may appear as an attractive alternative and can reduce the section size of first story columns, its increase in strength leads to an increase in brittleness compared to that of normal strength concrete. For that reason, HSC requires a large amount of transverse reinforcement to maintain adequate ductility, which leads to severe congestion in placement of the reinforcing bars and adds to the cost and effort. A solution may be found in ultra-highperformance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHP-FRC). UHP-FRC is an innovative material which provides high compressive strength (172~207 MPa) and shear strength as well as improved compressive ductility and excellent confinement characteristics. Addition of high strength steel microfibers into high strength concrete can alleviate the need for excessive transverse reinforcement. The UHP-FRC mixture used in this research was created to maximize the dense particle packing concept, and it is nearly self-consolidating. Even though UHP-FRC provides superior material properties, there is limited test data available on its fullscale structural application. The performance of full-scale modern high-rise moment frame columns, with both normal strength concrete and UHP-FRC, tested under very large cyclic displacement reversals up to collapse is presented and discussed herein. The use of UHP-FRC completely changes the typical failure mode of concrete columns as it improves confinement and prevents concrete crushing. Experimental results showed that the UHP-FRC column exhibited higher peak strength and greater drift capacity before succumbing to significant strength degradation compared to a conventional normal strength reinforced concrete column.
Online publication: 2015
Publication Type: full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
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