Proceedings pro128-2 : International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Systems and Structures (SMSS 2019) Energy Efficient Building Design and Legislation
The RILEM International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Systems and Structures (SMSS 2019) was organised by the Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Zagreb as a supporting event of the RILEM Spring Convention in Rovinj, Croatia. These events are held in the year the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb celebrated its 100-year anniversary of its founding, making 2019 the ideal year to host such an important international event. The purpose of the conference was to bring together scientists, practitioners, members of technical committees and users of technical recommendations, to jointly discuss and envision the future of sustainable development of materials, systems and structures in a holistic, global way.
The SMSS 2019 conference had participants from 50 countries, from Argentina to United States of America, who presented a total of 290 papers. The conference was sponsored by 10 international industrial partners, supported by 6 international organisations of scientists and practitioners and organised under the patronage of 4 governmental bodies. A total of 450 contributions were reviewed by more than 150 prominent reviewers from different fields. The events Organizing Committee consisted of 16 local members and 6 invited international members.
As part of the RILEM SMSS 2019 conference, the Energy Efficient Building Design and
Legislation segment was organized as a separate international segment with the aim to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, research scholars and industry professionals involved in building physics and sustainable construction, giving them the opportunity to exchange and discuss current ideas and knowledge in both the background science and practical applications of advanced materials, systems and methods for design of energy-high performing, healthy and sustainable buildings; as well as current legal framework and policy instruments. All papers submitted for this segment were subjected to a full review process, and the Proceedings contain only those papers that were accepted following this process. The review of manuscripts was undertaken by members of International Scientific Committee. This invaluable assistance, which has greatly enhanced the quality of the Proceedings, is gratefully acknowledged. The spectrum of relevant research topics covered encompasses enhancement of energy performance and indoor comfort in buildings; heat transfer problems; legislation framework and policies for energy efficiency in buildings; Building Information Modelling (BIM) for energy modelling applications; hygrothermal performance of building materials and elements; innovative building envelope systems; materials and systems for energy retrofitting; and sustainability through recycling.
Outstanding papers were nominated by Reviewers for post-conference publication in Special Issue of international Journal of Advances in Building Energy Research. Journal is focused on most important developments across the rapidly expanding fields of energy efficiency and environmental performance of buildings
Finally, the Editors wish to thank the authors for their efforts to produce and deliver papers of high standard. We are certain that these Proceedings will be a valued reference of research topics in this important field and that it will, together with the other volumes from SMSS conference, form a suitable base for discussion and suggestions for future development and research.
CA EPBD supporting transition towards NZEB buildings Author(s): Jens Laustsen |
Pages: 01-03 |
From log houses to Near zero energy buildings Author(s): David W. Yarbrough, Mark Bomberg, Anna Romanska-Zapala |
Pages: 04-13 |
A path to Near zero energy buildings in the future Author(s): Anna Romanska-Zapala, Mark Bomberg, David W. Yarbrough |
Pages: 14-24 |
Parameter estimation for heat conduction in crumb-rubber modi- fied mortar: comparison of different optimisation methods Author(s): S. Yang, Neven Ukrainczyk, R. Falcone, E. Martinelli, E. A. B. |
Pages: 25-33 |
Selection of suitable materials for the development of an innovative thermochromic Trombe wall Author(s): Gloria Pérez, Virginia R. Allegro, Maria J. Gavira, Carmen Alonso, |
Pages: 34-41 |
Design and optimisation of a thermochromic Trombe wall Author(s): Fernando Martín-Consuegra, Carmen Alonso, Gloria Pérez, Ana Guerrero, María Jesús Gavira, Borja Frutos, Ignacio Oteiza |
Pages: 42-50 |
Infrared thermography for dynamic thermal transmittance deter- mination Author(s): Mergim Gaši, Bojan Milovanović, Sanjin Gumbarević |
Pages: 51-58 |
Optimizing the heat transfer of anchoring components, here: brickwork support brackets Author(s): Matthias Roik, C. Piesker, M. Stegemann |
Pages: 59-66 |
Window placement as a thermal bridge in a sustainable hemp-lime construction Author(s): Magdalena Grudzińska, Przemysław Brzyski |
Pages: 67-74 |
Impact of the use of flexible joints to improve the energy of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Author(s): Małgorzata Fedorczak-Cisak, Jarosław Górszczyk, Arkadiusz Kwiecień,Bogusław Zając, Tomasz Kozik |
Pages: 75-82 |
Multidimensional hygrothermal analysis of complex building con- structions Author(s): Balázs Nagy |
Pages: 83-90 |
Effect of adsorption/desorption material hysteresis on the hygro- thermal performance of building structures Author(s): Rémi Goulet, Anton L. Cottrill, Ali Assy |
Pages: 91-101 |
Ventilated sandwich wall panel from recycled aggregate concrete: hygrothermal characterization Author(s): Marina Bagarić, Ivana Banjad Pečur, Bojan Milovanović, Suzana Hozmec |
Pages: 102-110 |
Experimental study of thermal performance of house models built with conventional or hybrid wall panels Author(s): Thanakit Ratanawan, Thanongsak Imjai, Borvorn Israngkura Na |
Pages: 111-116 |
Thermal performance of a full-scale house model with innovative composite walls in tropical climates: A field investigation Author(s): Vichan Insuwan, Thanakit Ratanawan, Thanongsak Imjai, Reyes Garcia |
Pages: 117-123 |
Energy plus seismic retrofitting of existing EU buildings Author(s): Mihaela Zamolo |
Pages: 124-132 |
New lightweight textile reinforced concrete and sustainable diato- mite-based insulation material for sandwich panels Author(s): Isabella G. Colombo, Matteo Colombo, Marco di Prisco, Barbara |
Pages: 133-140 |
Fiber reinforced alkali-activated slag foam concretes containing recycled aggregates produced using Petrit-T: An application of acoustic panels for indoor walls Author(s): Mohammad Mastali, Paivo Kinnunen, Marjaana Karhu, Zahra Abdol- |
Pages: 141-148 |
Pages: 150-157 |
Reuse and recycling of CDW materials and structures in energy efficient prefabricated elements for building refurbishment and construction - RE4 Author(s): Mark Whittaker, Konstantinos Grigoriadis, Marios Soutsos, Wei Sha, A. Klinge, S. Paganoni, M. Casado, L. Brander, M. Scullin, R. Correia, T. Zerbi, G. Staiano, I. Merli, I. Ingrosso, A. Attanasio, A. Largo |
Pages: 158-165 |
Sustainable choices for the residential construction. The impact of sustainable cement Author(s): Fernando Martirena, Yudiesky Cancio, Sofía Sánchez |
Pages: 166-171 |
Assessment of the recycling potential and environmental impact of building materials using material passports – A case study Author(s): Meliha Honic, Iva Kovacic, Helmut Rechberger |
Pages: 172-179 |
Variability in concrete water footprint from cradle to gate F Author(s): Yazmin L. Mack-Vergara, Ana Spiroska, Vanderley M. John, Guil-laume Habert |
Pages: 180-187 |
Experience of implementation of energy performance requirements for buildings in Lithuania Author(s): R. Bliudzius, Karolis Banionis, A. Levinskyte, V. Geleziunas |
Pages: 188-195 |
Achieving nZEB targets through energy retrofit of educational buildings Author(s): Ligia M. Moga, Ioan Moga |
Pages: 196-203 |
Breathe, breathe in the healthy air: influence of building design and recent biomedical research directions on indoor air quality Author(s): Matea Podgornjak, Dorotea Markasović, Zlata Dolaček-Alduk, Terezija Berlančić, Ivan Miškulin, Maja Miškulin |
Pages: 204-212 |
Living in multi-family nZEB buildings – End-users’ perspective on challenges and doubts Author(s): Marjana Šijanec Zavrl, Marko Jaćimović |
Pages: 213-220 |
Possibilities of using BIM for deep energy renovation analyses Author(s): Sanjin Gumbarević, Bojan Milovanović, Marina Bagarić, Mergim Gaši |
Pages: 221-228 |
BIM-based workflows for building energy modelling – A variant study Author(s): Julia Reisinger, Leonard Donkor, Stephan Loncsek, Iva Kovacic |
Pages: 229-236 |
Potentials and limitations of local fiscal policies as instruments for sustainable development in Slovenia Author(s): Miha Tomšič, Henrik Gjerkeš, Marjana Šijanec Zavrl, Irena Bačlija |
Pages: 237-244 |
EU policy goals and implementation in the building sector: the role of social sciences and humanities Author(s): Dragomir H. Tzanev |
Pages: 245-254 |
Innovative training schemes for retrofitting to nZEB-levels Author(s): Bojan Milovanović, Marina Bagarić, Dragomir H. Tzanev, Horia Petran |
Pages: 255-262 |