On the effect of mixing on property development of cement pastes
Title: On the effect of mixing on property development of cement pastes
Author(s): Mette R. Geiker, Anja Bøhm, Ane Mette Kjeldsen
Paper category : conference
Book title: International RILEM Conference on Volume Changes of Hardening Concrete: Testing and Mitigation
Editor(s): O. M. Jensen, P. Lura, K. Kovler
Print-ISBN: 2-35158-004-4
e-ISBN: 2351580052
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2006
Pages: 303 - 310
Total Pages: 8
Nb references: 18
Language: English
Abstract: The method of mixing may affect the degree of agglomeration of particles in cement-based materials and thus the properties of the materials in their fresh, hardening, and hardened state.
Paste (w/c=0.35) of white Portland cement with and without 10% silica fume and 0.65% superplasticizer were mixed by hand and in a high-speed mixer. Chemical shrinkage was measured to illustrate the effect of mixing on development of hydration. Chloride migration was measured on 28 days old pastes to illustrate the effect of mixing on the hydrated pastes.
The present investigation of pastes of white Portland cement showed an effect of mixing on the development of chemical shrinkage, i.e. hydration, of pastes with superplasticizer, but without silica fume. Silica fume agglomerates were observed in thin sections of pastes with silica fume and mixed by hand; however no effect on the development of hydration was observed. The effect of mixing on development of hydration was not reflected in the resistance to migration of chloride ions in 28 days old samples.
Online publication: 2006-07-30
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
doi: 10.1617/2351580052.032
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