Durability of water-borne acrylic sealants
Title: Durability of water-borne acrylic sealants
Author(s): W. Haller, H. Loth
Paper category : book
Book title: Durability of Building Sealants - State-of-the-Art Report of RILEM TC 139-DBS
Editor(s): A. T. Wolf
Print-ISBN: 2-912143-12-8
e-ISBN: 2351580419
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 1999
Pages: 275 - 286
Total Pages: 12
Nb references: 26
Language: English
At the beginning, in the 1960's, the water-borne acrylic sealants could not be recommended for outdoor application, because of their general technical limitations. In the following decades, with progress in binder technology and improved formulation technique, this situation changed. Today, water-borne acrylic sealants are available in the market place in a wide quality range for both interior and exterior applications, including highly elastic, high movement sealants (class 25) as well as sealants with early rain exposure (wash-out) resistance. Nevertheless, because of the inherent nature of this sealant class, there are still some restrictions to the use of water-borne acrylics under permanent water influence. Despite their 35-year history, there is not much specific literature about water-borne acrylic sealants available. This chapter reviews the response of water-borne acrylic sealants to a variety of environmental factors, such as temperature extremes, water, solar radiation, oxygen and ozone, and mechanical stress.
Online publication: 2009-12-07
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
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