Events calendar
Region : Europe

78th RILEM Annual Week & RILEM International Conference on Sustainable Materials & Structures: Meeting the major challenges of the 21st century - SMS 2024
General themes of the SMS 2024 Conference
The conference will aim to present and discuss the recent advances in materials and structures research to meet the great challenges of the 21th century and beyond:
- enable sustainable, safe and durable construction (new and existing buildings and strategic infrastructures),
- promote the circular construction / economy;
- improve the energy efficiency of construction,
- favour the quality and comfort of building (indoor air quality and comfort).
All these topics will be considered from the material’s perspective, but also from the structure's perspective.
A special focus will be put on the worldwide practices and rationale to meet these goals.
The conference will cover all the topics in the scope of RILEM scientific activities, and will include:
> At the level of the building materials:
- Cementitious materials (conventional and low-CO2 binders, alkali-activated materials and geopolymers, new binders (sulfur, magnesium, etc.)),
- Bricks, stone, masonry, mortars, grouts
- Bio-based materials, earth construction (special session organised)
- Bituminous materials (special session organised)
- Wood and timber structures
> At the level of the civil engineering structures:
- Buildings: Quality of indoor air, comfort, hygrothermal behaviour of building materials
- Strategic infrastructures in their environments
For any of these topics, scientific contributions investigating the time and service related properties: early age and setting, service properties, durability, safety, environmental impact, recyclability, will be particularly welcome
A special focus will be done on the special practices according to the world regions.
- Building materials: cementitious materials, geopolymers, new binders, masonry, bio-based materials, earth construction, bitumen, wood and timber
- Low-CO2, low-energy, low-resources materials and processes
- Historic buildings and cultural heritage
- Early-age properties and rheology
- Service properties, including energy-efficient buildings, comfort, indoor air quality
- Durability of materials and structures (corrosion, chemical attack, biological attack, thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical behaviour of materials and structures, etc.)
- Monitoring and NDT
- Maintenance and repair
- Circular economy in construction, LCA
- Regional practices
Submission of abstracts:
Opening: 15 June 2023
Closure: 15 November 2023
Acceptance of abstracts: by 30 December 2023
Submission of papers:
Deadline for submission of full papers (from 6 to 8 pages): 15 February 2024
Review of papers: 15 April 2024
Final paper submission: 30 May 2024
Scientific contact:
Prof. Alexandra Bertron
Registration contact:
Miss Patricia Jarry
See all events
from Sunday 25 August
to Friday 30 August 2024
Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis
11 Esp. Compans Caffarelli
Toulouse, France
Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis
11 Esp. Compans Caffarelli31000 Toulouse, France
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