
  • Calendar
    1. Monday 17 February to Thursday 20 February
      Corrosion Science & Corrosion Control for Infrastructure (CSC²I)

      The course on Corrosion Science & Corrosion Control for Infrastructure (CSC2I) is an interdisciplinary course, encompassing fundamental aspects of corrosion science & technology,...

    2. Tuesday 18 February to Friday 21 February
      Workshop on Advances in Concrete Technology

      About the workshop:   The Workshop will cover Cement, Types and Basics of Hydration, Testing of cement and quality control issues, Aggregates, testing and quality control,...

    3. Friday 28 February at 12:00
      1st Forum on Sustainable Concrete; Part 1: Is Portland cement the main problem?

      Concrete shapes our world, but at a high environmental price. Is Portland cement truly the villain, or could it hold solutions for a greener future? Join leading researchers from...

    4. Thursday 06 March at 15:00
      From Nonconventional to Non-Negotiable: Bamboo as a Mainstream Construction...

      We are pleased to announce that the next ROC&TOK webinar will take place on  March 6th, 2025 at 3PM CEST/Paris Time and will be one hour long (30-minute presentation + 30-minute...

    5. Saturday 22 March to Friday 28 March
      RILEM Spring Convention & Conference on durability of building materials and...

      The RILEM Spring Convention & Conference on durability of building materials and systems in the transportation infrastructure will be held in Mendrisio (Switzerland) from 23 march...

    6. Monday 07 April to Friday 11 April
      Computational Methods for Building Physics and Construction Materials

      The course is intended to convey various computer-aided calculation methods, solution approaches and possibilities for implementing physical processes in the fields of building...

    7. Thursday 10 April to Sunday 13 April
      International Conference on Concrete and Circular Economy

      The CCE2025 will allow researchers and professionals to present their findings in the field of waste valorization in concrete manufacturing. Indeed, the reuse of millions of tons...

    8. Monday 12 May to Friday 16 May
      Alkali-Activated Materials (AAM):

      Alkali-activated Materials (AAM) PhD Training Course on Alkali-Activated Concrete (AAC): From Design and Material Properties to Structural Behavior and Engineering Applications.  ...

    9. Tuesday 13 May
      RILEM TC 294-MPA Closure Seminar: Mechanical Properties of Alkaline-activated...

      Reviewing the work of TC 294 MPA, addressing challenges related to precursors, materials, and structural design. discussing the current stage of standardization and application...

    10. Tuesday 20 May to Thursday 22 May
      Sustainable Construction in Africa 2025

      The Sustainable Construction in Africa 2025 conference will focus on sustainable building in African cities projected to increase due to a rapid growth of population and...

    11. Tuesday 03 June to Friday 06 June
      Concrete Microscopy Course (CMC)

      The highly sought-after Concrete Microscopy Course (CMC) will take place from June 3–6, 2025. This hands-on course covers optical and electron microscopy techniques for cement and...

    12. Tuesday 10 June to Thursday 12 June
      11th Conference of the European Asphalt Technology Association (EATA)

      The Transportation Infrastructure Research Group of the Department of Construction, Civil Engineering and Architecture of Università Politecnica delle Marche organises the...

    13. Tuesday 10 June to Wednesday 11 June
      Automation and digitalisation in quality control and in-service inspection of...

      Two-Day Training Program on Automation and digitalisation in quality control and in-service inspection of reinforced concrete structures   Join us for an intensive two-day...

    14. Monday 16 June to Friday 20 June
      Chemistry of Cement and Concrete

      Open to both graduate students at the University of Toronto, and other Ontario Universities (for graduate credit), in addition to Graduate students from Universities outside...

    15. Monday 16 June to Wednesday 18 June
      Concrete Solutions 2025 - 9th International Conference on Concrete Repair,...

      Concrete Solutions 2025 is the 9th in a series of International Conferences on Concrete Repair, Durability and Technology. It brings together the latest in research and practice in...

    16. Tuesday 17 June to Friday 20 June
      6th International Conference on Bio-Based Building Materials - ICBBM 2025

      Topics Materials, Characterisation, Design and Test methods Natural fibres and materials Design with natural fibre composites, wood, bamboo for structures Rammed earth...

    17. Thursday 19 June to Saturday 21 June
      GEOME - The future of environmental and civil engineering: Smart, digital, and...

      The ever-increasing global population and the improvement of living standards place considerable pressure on natural resources in general and on construction materials in...

    18. Monday 23 June to Wednesday 25 June
      3rd International Workshop on Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cements

      Scope and background Calcium sulfoaluminate cements are receiving increasing interest as (i) an environmentally friendly alternative to Portland cement and (ii) as they can be...

    19. Monday 23 June to Thursday 26 June
      Corrosion Science & Corrosion Control for Infrastructure (CSC²I)

      The course on Corrosion Science & Corrosion Control for Infrastructure (CSC2I) is an interdisciplinary course, encompassing fundamental aspects of corrosion science & technology,...

    20. Wednesday 25 June to Friday 27 June
      Sustainable Built Environment Conference (SBE25)

      The SBE series was launched in 2000 and is now well-established as a leading international series of conferences focusing on the sustainable built environment.  The 2025...

    21. Sunday 29 June to Friday 04 July
      Shaping the fate of low-carbon cement science

      Background: The conference aims to bring together experts from the cement chemistry, physics, materials science and civil engineering domains to discuss the outstanding...

    22. Thursday 03 July to Saturday 05 July
      Third International conference on construction materials and structures...

      The Synergy of Materials and Structures (SMS) conference aims to advance knowledge in next-generation infrastructure by integrating innovative construction materials and...

    23. Monday 07 July to Wednesday 09 July
      5th RILEM International Conference on Numerical Modeling Strategies for...

      The primary aim of SSCS-2025 is to foster the adoption of numerical models in these disciplines and cultivate a scientific and technical community centered around this theme. The...

    24. Monday 14 July to Wednesday 16 July
      CICE 2025 - 12th International Conference on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP)...

      The 12th International Conference on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2025) will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 14 to 16 July 2025. It is a...

    25. Sunday 10 August to Wednesday 13 August
      4th International Conference on Sustainable Building Materials - ICSBM 2025

      The building sector is by far the largest consumer of raw materials and producer of man-made materials. From a sustainability and circularity point of view, the effects of this...

    26. Sunday 24 August to Friday 29 August
      79th RILEM Annual Week & International Conference on Advances in Engineering and...

      The 79th RILEM Week will be held in conjunction with the International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology for sustainable development (ICONS 2025) in Hanoi,...

    27. Tuesday 02 September to Thursday 04 September
      7th Historic Mortars Conference - HMC 2025

      Scope The 7th HMC 2025 will focus on research concerning technology and characterization of historic mortars, conservation and restoration issues in historic masonry structures...

    28. Sunday 07 September to Wednesday 10 September
      Concrete 2025

      The Conference will be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre from 7 to 10 September 2025. Under the theme Concrete Solutions for a Sustainable Future the Conference will cover...

    29. Monday 08 September to Friday 12 September
      15th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone

      The International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone is a quadrennial event that brings together the world-wide community of researchers, managers and...

    30. Thursday 11 September to Friday 12 September
      2nd International RILEM conference on early-age and long-term cracking in RC...

      Even though reinforced concrete (RC) is one of the most used manmade materials in the world, and adequate models exist for the prediction and design of the ultimate capacity of RC...

    31. Monday 15 September to Wednesday 17 September
      SAHC 2025 - 14th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical...

      The theme of SAHC 2025 is “Heritage conservation in the digital era“, which emphasizes the vast opportunities of the digital era for safe, efficient, and sustainable conservation...

    32. Tuesday 16 September to Thursday 18 September
      3rd International Workshop on Durability and Sustainability of Concrete...

      The purpose of this international workshop is to present and discuss the most innovative developments and researches on durability and sustainability of concrete construction.Among...

    33. Thursday 18 September to Friday 19 September
      6th Ibero-American Congress on Special Concretes (concrete and sustainability),...

      The 6th Ibero-American Congress on Special Concretes (concrete and sustainability), HACBAC2025, is a congress whose aim is to bring together valid, original and innovative...

    34. Thursday 02 October to Sunday 05 October
      Carbon Conscious Concrete Symposium 2025

      Novel materials and technologies on Carbon Conscious Concrete (C3) will play a key role in the low carbon transition in the construction industry. This conference will provide a...

    35. Monday 20 October to Tuesday 21 October
      1st RILEM Youth Symposium (RYS2025)

      RYS2025 is the inaugural RILEM Youth Council-sponsored Symposium on building materials and construction.This dynamic event is tailored for emerging researchers, PhD students, and...

    36. Tuesday 04 November to Friday 07 November
      11th International Conference on Acoustic Emission & 27th International Acoustic...

      The IIIAE is an international society comprising three advanced organizations: the Acoustic Emission Working Group (AEWG) in the United States, the European Working Group on...

    37. Wednesday 05 November to Friday 07 November
      2nd International Conference on Net-Zero Built Environment: Innovations in...

      The Net-Zero Future 2025 Conference is a landmark international event focused on advancing research, innovation, and best practices to achieve a sustainable, net-zero carbon built...

    38. Wednesday 03 December to Friday 05 December
      11th International Conference Analytical Models and New Concepts in Concrete and...

      "The main objective of the Conference is to present and review the latest achievements in concrete and masonry structures modelling and analysis. The three-day conference will be...

    39. 04 February 2026 to 06 February 2026
      5th International Conference on Cement and Concrete for Sustainable Construction...

      The production of concrete - our most prominent and most widely applied construction material - is highly energy-intensive, with CO2 emissions from cement manufacture accounting...

    40. 10 February 2026 to 12 February 2026
      1st International Conference on Mg-based cements

      Scope and backgroundTo limit global temperature rise to below 2°C, we need to radically and rapidly change the way we build and use materials, since construction is responsible for...

    41. 13 April 2026 to 17 April 2026
      RILEM Spring Convention & Conference on Innovative Construction Materials and...

      Conference Topics This conference focusses on Innovative Construction Materials and Processes for Sustainable Buildings and Infrastructure. ⦁ Innovation: nanotechnology, responsive...

    42. 12 May 2026 to 15 May 2026
      15th International Conference "Modern Building Materials, Structures and...

      SCOPE It covers topics such as modern building materials and their production technologies; investigation and design of reinforced concrete, steel, glass, timber and composite...

    43. 16 June 2026 to 18 June 2026
      2nd RILEM International Symposium on Bituminous Materials (ISBM 2026)

      Joint conference of all active and recent TCs of RILEM Cluster F. The objective is to disseminate findings of the TC activities as well as those in the work domain of cluster F to...

    44. 08 July 2026 to 10 July 2026
      Third International Conference on Earthen Construction - ICEC 2026

      The International Conference on Earthen Construction (ICEC) was established in 2022 to promote knowledge sharing in the rapidly expanding field of earthen construction materials...

    45. 05 September 2026 at 10:22 to 12 September 2026 at 10:22
      80th RILEM Annual Week & RILEM International Conference

      Organisation • Organiser: Prof. Silvester Abuodha• Co-organiser: Dr. Wolfram Schmidt• Co-organiser: Dr. Joseph Mwiti General topics • Concrete technology: Binder technology...

    46. 06 April 2027 at 09:00 to 10 April 2027 at 19:00
      RILEM SPring Convention and Conference Wastes in Building Materials and...