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Digital Concrete 2020 - 2nd RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication

Considering the severe limitations on travelling and group gatherings, Digital Concrete 2020 Organizing will be reshaped as a full online conference, in the same week as originally planned, starting on July 6. Further details will follow soon.


Additive and automated manufacturing technologies of cementitious materials, such as 3D Concrete Printing, Powder Bed Printing, Smart Dynamic Casting, and Shotcrete 3D Printing, are developing at a breathtaking pace around the world, both in academia and in practice. The associated knowledge and experience is expanding daily. Digital Concrete is the primary platform for key innovators and top researchers to exchange insights and discuss findings in this fascinating field. 

The Digital Concrete 2020 organizing committee kindly invites anyone interested to submit an abstract for publication as paper or poster at the conference. The Call for Abstracts can be downloaded here. Submission is open until October 1st, 2019. The conference topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Mixture design
  • Admixtures
  • Rheology & Fresh State Behaviour
  • Processing
  • Microstructure
  • Cold Joints & Interfaces
  • Mechanical Performance
  • Reinforcement
  • Structural Engineering
  • Durability & Sustainability
  • Design & Applications
  • Printing Technologies
  • Alternative Materials
  • Automation & Industrialization

Key dates:

  • Abstract deadline: 1 Oct. 2019
  • Notification of acceptance, invitation to submit paper/poster: 15 Nov. 2019
  • Paper deadline: 1 Feb. 2020
  • Preconference PhD workshop: 5 July 2020
  • Conference: 6-8 July 2020

For more information, mail to

from Monday 6th July
to Wednesday 8th July 2020
Eindhoven University of Technology
De Zaale
Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Eindhoven University of Technology

De Zaale
Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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from Monday 6th July
to Wednesday 8th July 2020
Eindhoven University of Technology
De Zaale
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
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