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Region : North America & Caribbean

Standards and specifications for advancing low-carbon materials
We are pleased to announce that the next ROC&TOK webinar will take place on October 3rd, 2024 at 3PM CEST/Paris Time and will be one hour long (30-minute presentation + 30-minute interaction). The registration for this webinar is free.
Speaker: Prof. Larry Sutter, Sutter Engineering LLC, United States
Hosts: Dr Prannoy Suraneni, University of Miami, United States and Prof. Karen Scrivener, EPFL, Switzerland
Title: Standards and specifications for advancing low-carbon materials
Concrete material's tests and specifications have not evolved appreciably over the last 100 years but with the advent of new binders, the applicability of test methods in current specifications needs to be confirmed, and new test methods need to be developed. Additionally, a transition from prescriptive to performance specifications must occur. As examples, concerns with tests such as the loss on ignition and strength activity index have led to the development of tests such as the foam index test and the R3 tests. However, these new tests are only beginning to be included in standard specifications and the user community will need to develop familiarity with a performance-based approach to specifying materials. In this talk, integration of new tests are discussed. An overview of new standards and specifications in progress is presented, including new performance-based specifications.
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i'm a phd student working on some construction materials with low carbon footprint.
i treyed to register in this event but they didn't send the confirmation email.
hope you help me in this essue, cause i'm realy existed to attend.
thank you.