206-ATB: Advanced testing and characterization of bituminous materials

Technical Committee 206-ATB

General Information

Chair: Prof. Dr. Manfred N. PARTL
Deputy Chair: Dr Emmanuel CHAILLEUX
Activity starting in: 2004
Cluster E

Subject matter

By the end of 2004, the actual TC 182 PEB “Performance Testing and Evaluation of Bituminous Materials” will successfully close its mandate with well recognized results on rheological testing of bituminous binders, stiffness and fatigue testing of as-phalt mixtures as well as performance prediction evaluation of test sections. However, these achievements together with the results of the 2003 RILEM Symposium PTEBM’03 in Zurich clearly revealed further open questions in the complex field of performance related binder and asphalt testing as well as test specimen preparation, asking for the initiation of further RILEM activities. In addition, new trends in testing and application of bituminous materials (e.g. low energy pavement mixtures) sup-port the fact that a new TC is urgently required in order to further focus on selected topics in performance related asphalt mate-rials testing within a well established efficient international expert group.
The new TC will base its activities on the work by TC 182 PEB. In addition, it will concentrate on questions and new de-velopments governed by the need for simple and universally applicable performance based and physically sound fundamental test methods as well as homogeneous and uniform specimen preparation procedures for an ever increasing variety of bitumi-nous binders and mixtures. This includes the evaluation of advanced aging and climatic tests for bituminous binders and mix-tures in terms of selected mechanical properties and binder-aggregate bond. Since most of the existing test methods were de-veloped for hot mixture applications, a path finder evaluation with respect to low energy mixtures and binders (such as emul-sions) is also planned, eventually forming the basis for future TCs. The new TC will further concentrate on fundamental as-pects in order to outline and clarify the main direction of actual and future research and standardization. The new TC intends to evaluate the relevant state of the art and to perform interlaboratory testing activities on a voluntary basis. The results will be published and presented in appropriate ways (if possible as recommendation) and discussed in the 7th international RILEM Symposium 2008/9 which will be the follow-up symposium of PTEBM’03. The new TC will serve as an en-couragement and forum for a coordinate research and as a guideline for individual research programs and intends to work closely together with other RILEM TC’s on bituminous materials.

Terms of reference

The new TC will be active for 5 years. For some of the work the data basis acquired by TC 182 PEB will be used (which is in line with the high degree of continuity in the work of all previous RILEM TC’s on bituminous materials testing, so far). In or-der to achieve its goals, the new TC intends to perform its work within the following task groups (TG):
TG 1 Binders (D. Sybilski)
Evaluate binder properties with respect to durability relevant to distress accumulation performance and application; nanotechnology of binders; aging as a material property
TG 2 Compaction (H. Bahia)
Evaluation of laboratory compaction methods and models with respect to field compaction
TG 3 Mechanical testing of mixtures (H. Di Benedetto)
Evaluate existing test methods (like simple performance tests) and models for different types of mixtures (like porous as-phalt) considering subjects such as permanent deformation, micromechanics and size effects
TG 4 Pavement performance prediction evaluation (H. Piber)
Evaluation of test methods to assess structural behavior (influence of layer thickness and interlayer bond), investigation of PPPE sections
TG 5 Recycling (C. De La Roche)
Evaluate test and mix design methods for the use of materials with bituminous materials from the road (STAR), focusing on hot mix recycling (RAP: Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement).

Objectives will be achieved by:
- Voluntary work of members who will be recruited from the actual TC 182 PEB (representing aca-demics, industry and road research laboratories).
- One TC meeting per year (if possible in connection with other TCs related to bituminous materials)
- At least one additional annual meeting of each Task Group (TG)
- Reports and/or recommendations as well as publications of findings in Materials and Structures or other papers
- Presentation of findings during other international symposia in order to establish a lively link between RILEM and other organizations in that field
- Organization of seminars and workshops upon need
- Organization of 7th international symposium (follow-up PTEBM03)
- Information on internet
For certain tasks a bibliographical research will be necessary. However, main focus is on the practical comparison and evalua-tion of test methods and modeling. Data evaluation and modeling will require computer processing. Special equipment de-pends on equipment used by each participant laboratory. In case of interlaboratory tests, each laboratory will get the same ma-terials to investigate.

Detailed working programme

Autumn 2004 Concluding annual meeting of TC 182 PEB: Working plan, definition and formation of individual task groups TG (within the frame of TC 182 PEB)
Autumn 2004 Approval of new TC by TAC
during 2004 Individual meetings by TG’s; finalizing proposal of working plan; preparation of interlaboratory tests; evaluation of data base by TC 182 PEB
Autumn 2005 1st Annual meeting of new TC: Discussion & approval of individual working plans, concepts and achieve-ments, approval of workshops; evaluate data and place for 7th int. Symposium, define scientific committee
during 2006 Individual meetings by TG’s; follow individual working plan (e.g. literature reviews, material distribution, testing, first evaluations; plan & organize workshops)
Autumn 2006 2nd Annual meeting of new TC: Discussion & approval of individual working plans, concepts and achieve-ments, finalize workshops; start planning 7th int. Symposium (1st announcement, call for papers)
during 2007 Individual meetings by TG’s; follow individual working plan (e.g. data evaluation, draft reports, first pres-entations and draft papers; carry out workshops)
Autumn 2007 3rd Annual meeting of new TC: Discussion of progress & achievements; planning and approval of presenta-tions, reports and papers, evaluate workshops; organizing 7th int. Symposium (acceptance of abstracts)
during 2008 Individual meetings by TG’s: follow individual working plan (e.g. data evaluation, draft reports, first pres-entations and draft papers)
Autumn 2008 4th Annual meeting of new TC: Discussion of progress & achievements; planning and approval of presenta-tions, papers, recommendations and reports; organizing 7th int. Symposium (acceptance of papers)
Spring 2009 7th Int. Symposium (follow-up PTEBM03)
during 2009 Individual meetings by TG’s
Autumn 2009 5th Annual meeting (Concluding); final report; presentation of the results during annual RILEM meeting

Technical environment

The new TC follows the actual TC 182-PEB. This TC has already dif-ferent links to existing national and international associa-tions (e.g. FEHRL, PIARC, ISO, ISAP, AAPT, TRB, AAPA, ARRA, AASHTO, ASTM, NAPA, CEN, EAPA, Eurobitume). There will also be links to the newly planned RILEM TC CAP (cracking in pavements). In this respect the new TC will con-tinue to profit of the existing relations and to provide its contribution within this already well established international network. The new TC will continue in the attempt to incorporate more members from overseas (especially with the United States) to broaden the global platform.
The TC fits perfectly into the RILEM's technical program, in particular the items “Mechanical Performance and Fracture; Ma-terials Characterization, Properties Evaluation and Processing; Performance and Deterioration Mechanisms; Special Construc-tion Materials and Components”. The new TC is intended to have its their annual meeting at the same place and in series with the new TC CAP “Cracking of Asphalt Pavements”

Expected achievements

The new TC intends to provide the following achievements:
- Report and/or (if possible) recommendations on the results of the different TC’s
- Papers in Materials and Structures or elsewhere on the results of the different TG’s
- Organize one major symposium

Group of users

- Academics, road authorities and standardization committees
- Testing laboratories and test equipment producers
- Professionals and practitioners which have to solve non-routine problems

Specific use of the results

Environment-resistant and better performing roads are of great economic importance. Hence the eco-nomic impact of the pro-posed work is high. Results will be used as basis to improve national and inter-national standards as well as exchange of data and experience. They will be used as basis to establish worldwide consensus and further coordinate development in this field. The results will also be a good basis for education of young researchers and engineers and are therefore a good investment in the future of our next generation.