Why become a RILEM member?
You do not need to be a member to download for free the majority of RILEM publications (State of the Art reports, Proceedings and Recommendations). You do not need to be a member to register to a RILEM event (conferences, workshops, doctoral courses). However, only RILEM members can join a RILEM Technical Committee (TC), which is the place where experts from all over the world meet and exchange ideas to further scientific knowledge. Please, consider to become a member and to join one of the currently active RILEM TCs!


2020 RILEM PhD grant awardees
Since 2018, RILEM awards a number of PhD students under the age of 35 from any of the countries where a special discount RILEM membership fee is applicable (list of countries available here). This grant aims to support young researchers who could not otherwise attend the RILEM Annual Week. Due to the current pandemic, the grants this year "in" Sheffield came without the financial support to travel as the event was fully online. However, the remote participation of the awardees and the recognition of their research outcomes were ensured! Please, join us to congratulate these young minds! The full list of the awardees is available here!


The problem of aging water infrastructure
This article focuses on the situation in the U.S. However, the same issue is faced by many other countries around the world.

upcoming rilem events

4th RILEM Spring Meeting, 6-9 April 2021, "in" Paris, France (fully online)
75th RILEM Annual Week, 23 August-4 September 2021, Merida, Mexico
More RILEM events
In view of the current Corona Virus situation, many events might have been postponed or will be soon postponed. We kindly invite you to check with the event organisers the most updated schedule of the event, Thank you!

The RILEM newsletter BITS&BOBS stands for Bright In-house Talks and Statements & Brilliant Outsourced Businesses and Stories.