
Report rep037 : Environment-Conscious Construction Materials and Systems - State-of-the-Art Report of RILEM Technical Committee 192-ECM

Title: Environment-Conscious Construction Materials and Systems - State-of-the-Art Report of RILEM Technical Committee 192-ECM
Edited by N. Kashino, D. Van Gemert and K. Imamoto
ISBN: 978-2-35158-053-0
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-079-0
Pages: 86
Publication date: 2007

At present, the environmental problem becomes a common theme in the whole world. It is not possible to continue the mass consumption and the mass disposal of resources.

It has been required that resource conservation and maintenance of global environment which made energy-saving to be a key; the reduction of the discharge of waste and the promo-tion of the recycling are attempted.

RILEM TC 192-ECM 'Environment Conscious Materials and Systems for Sustainable De-velopment' was established in 2001, to consider this aspect. Seven meetings were held to discuss on 'Advent of the Aging Society', 'Maturing of the Economy', 'Preservation of the Global Environment', 'Limits on Solid Waste Quantities' and 'Production of sustainable Building (Encouragement of Long-Lasting Building as social assets)'.

At the time of initiation of the Technical Committee, some basic considerations were made on environmental problems in the field of construction materials. During the lifetime of the TC, the ideal character of the environment conscious materials and construction systems has been discussed.

In this report, toward the goals of preserving the global environment, natural resources, re-ducing solid waste and promoting recycling, indoor quality, reduced energy consumption, energy-efficient buildings, life-cycle analysis, environmental assessment, pollution control, etc. are discussed.


Chapter 1- Introduction

Author(s): N. Kashino
Pages: 1 - 1

Chapter 2 - Resources

2.1 Effective application of natural resources
Author(s): M. Kawakami, H. Tokushige
Pages: 5 - 10

2.2 Recycling of construction materials
Author(s): N. De Belie, N. Robeyst
Pages: 11 - 23

2.3 Production of sustainable materials and buildings
Author(s): M. Muto, K. Imamoto
Pages: 25 - 29

2.4 Soil and land (re)use
Author(s): N. Kashino
Pages: 31 - 33

Chapter 3 - Indoor quality

3.1 Air quality
Author(s): M. Castellote
Pages: 37 - 42

3.2 Noise control
Author(s): E. Knapen
Pages: 43 - 46

Chapter 4 - Energy-efficient buildings

Energy-efficient buildings
Author(s): K. Imamoto
Pages: 47 - 49

Chapter 5 - Life-cycle analysis

Life-cycle analysis
Author(s): J. Desmyter, T. Vangheel, C. Hendriks, D. Van Gemert
Pages: 51 - 52

Chapter 6 - Pollution control

6.1 CO2 - Reducing materials and systems
Author(s): M. Tonosaki, K. Imamoto
Pages: 55 - 58

6.2 Water purifying construction systems
Author(s): M. Tamai, A. Beeldens
Pages: 59 - 64

6.3 Reduction of air-pollutants: application of TiO2 photocatalysis
Author(s): A. Beeldens, L. Cassar
Pages: 65 - 69

Chapter 7 - Concluding remarks

Concluding remarks
Author(s): N. Kashino
Pages: 71 - 71