Materials and Structures 5 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 1 , N° 5 Année: 1968 |
The mechanism of creep in concrete Author(s): D.J. Hannant |
Pages: 403 - 410 |
The rheological behaviour of the dynamically stressed concrete. Experimental investigation Author(s): E. Pozzo |
Pages: 411 - 424 |
Should standard cube test speciments be replaced by test speciments taken from structures? Author(s): N. Petersons |
Pages: 425 - 435 |
An application of statistical procedures to quality control of concrete Author(s): I. Soroka |
Pages: 437 - 441 |
Mesure de la conductivité thermique par la méthode du champ thermique unidirectionnel Author(s): J.C. Maréchal |
Pages: 443 - 456 |
An analysis of answers to a questionnaire o the ultrasonic pulse technique Author(s): R. Jones, I. Facaoaru, RILEM |
Pages: 457 - 465 |
Commissions essais des bétons / Committee on the testing of concrete Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 467 - 471 |
Commission pierres naturelles et artificielles / Committee on artificial and natural stones Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 472 - 472 |
Le retrait des bétons hydrauliques / The shrinkage of hydraulic concretes Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 473 - 473 |