Materials and Structures 18 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 3 , N° 18 Année: 1970 |
Etude des propriétés élastiques du béton dans une large gamme de fréquences Author(s): J. Paquet |
Pages: 351 - 369 |
Anisotropy and failure criteria for concrete Author(s): B.P. Hugues, J.E. Ash |
Pages: 371 - 374 |
Approximation of experimental data by a creep function Author(s): S. Kajfasz, J. Szulc |
Pages: 381 - 394 |
Le fluage du béton en fonction de la température. Compléments expérimentaux Author(s): J.C. Marechal, RILEM |
Pages: 395 - 406 |
The thermal conductivity of fresh concrete Author(s): T.D. Brown, M.Y. Javaid |
Pages: 411 - 416 |
XXIVe Réunion de la Commission Permanente de la RILEM / XXIVth Meeting of RILEM Permanent Committee Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 375 - 379 |
News from USA - Tornado-stricken city yields lessons for better building practices informations Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 407 - 408 |