Materials and Structures 21 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 4 , N° 21 Année: 1971 |
Détermination photométrique de la topographie des surfaces. Application à l'étude de la corrosion. 1ère partie Author(s): F. Canac |
Pages: 131 - 142 |
On the errors in experimental measurements of strains in concrete and prestressed concrete elements Author(s): A.M. Brandt, J. Kasperkiewicz |
Pages: 147 - 153 |
On compressive strength variation in concrete Author(s): I. Soroka |
Pages: 155 - 161 |
Constitutive relations for split cylinder tests on bituminous concrete Author(s): D. Bynum Jr., R. Agarwal, H.O. Fleisher |
Pages: 163 - 169 |
Creep of Portland cement paste as sub-zero temperature Author(s): R.S. Ghosh, J. Timusk |
Pages: 171 - 176 |
A review of the preparation and properties of anomalous water Author(s): D.B. Honeyborne, J.B. Cornell, L. Arnold |
Pages: 181 - 192 |
Registration of testing methods Author(s): K.-L. Riipola |
Pages: 193 - 196 |