Materials and Structures 25 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 5 , N° 25 Année: 1972 |
Nonlinear Water Diffusion in Nonsaturated Concrete Author(s): Z.P. Bazant, L.J. Najjar |
Pages: 3 - 20 |
Constitutive Telations for Bituminous Concrete Using Double Lap Shear Tests Author(s): D. Bynum Jr., J.F. Evertson, H.O. Fleisher, D.R. Ray |
Pages: 21 - 30 |
Tests of Composite Concrete Beams with Prestressed Planks Author(s): P.W. Abeles, E.I. Broww II, C.H. Hu |
Pages: 31 - 40 |
Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete - The Effect on Fibre Orientation of Compaction by Vibration Author(s): J. Edgington, D.J. Hannant |
Pages: 41 - 44 |
Rôle du coefficient de Poisson du support dans les indications d'une jauge à fil résistant Author(s): D. Jejcic |
Pages: 45 - 46 |
XXVe réunion de la Commission Permanente de la RILEM / XXVth meeting of RILEM Permanent Committee
Principales décisions / Summary of decisions Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 47 - 50 |
Allocution du nouveau Président / Acceptance speech by the President Author(s): J.R. Wright, RILEM |
Pages: 51 - 52 |
Commission Carbonatation : Compte rendu de la première réunion Author(s): RILEM TC 16-C |
Pages: 53 - 62 |