Materials and Structures 27 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 5 , N° 27 Année: 1972 |
Elastic modulus of close(packed randomly oriented Maxwell elements Author(s): R.H. Mills, K. Ono |
Pages: 127 - 133 |
Numeral determination of long-range stress history from strain history in concrete Author(s): Z.P. Bazant |
Pages: 135 - 141 |
Materials aspects of concrete consolidated by vibration Author(s): S. Popovics |
Pages: 143 - 150 |
Scrap tire-beer bottle concrete Author(s): D. Bynum Jr., J.F. Evertson, H.O. Fleisher |
Pages: 151 - 157 |
Etude d'un clinomètre adapté à la mesure des rotations des sections lors des essais de structures Author(s): M. Pinglot |
Pages: 159 - 164 |
Determination of moisture content of concrete by microwave resonance method Author(s): J. Bhargava, K. Lundberg |
Pages: 165 - 168 |
Precision of early shrinkage measurements Author(s): J.L. Kass, D. Campbell-Allen |
Pages: 169 - 170 |
Classification fonctionnelle des bétons légers / Functional classification of lightweight concrete Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 173 - 175 |
Betonitieto - A new form of documentation service of the Finish Cement Association Author(s): R. Österberg |
Pages: 178 - 180 |
Enquête : Les publications des organismes de recherche de la Construction / Enquiry: Publications of building research organizations Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 181 - 187 |
Subject index 1968-1972 Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 189 - 192 |