Materials and Structures 34 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 6 , N° 34 Année: 1973 |
Stochastic analysis for time-dependent load transfer in reinforced concrete columns Author(s): A.B.O. Soboyejo |
Pages: 269 - 276 |
A thin-wall cement paste cylinder for creep tests at variable humidity or temperature Author(s): Z.P. Bazant, H.J.H. Hemann, H. Koller, L.J. Najjar |
Pages: 277 - 281 |
Unicemento-working team "Permeability and Durability" - Condiserations on the Italian method for freezing and thawing durability of concrete Author(s): UNICEMENTO WG |
Pages: 283 - 292 |
Frost action in cement paste Author(s): G.G. Litvan |
Pages: 293 - 298 |
The development of frost heave testing equipment Author(s): R.J. Kettle, R.I.T. Williams |
Pages: 299 - 306 |
A new indirect testing for concrete and other brittle materials Author(s): K. Rajagopalan |
Pages: 307 - 309 |
Recommendations for the treatment of the variations of concrete strength in codes of practice Author(s): D.C. Teychenné |
Pages: 259 - 267 |